
Boston Hope Music

Music at the frontlines of Covid-19


For Musicians

Musical Dosages Program

Thank you for your interest in participating in Boston Hope Music! Boston Hope opened in mid-April of 2020 at the Boston Convention Center to care for COVID19 positive patients who were recovering and regaining their strength.  Our music program was one of the health and wellness initiatives that were designed as part of the healing process. 

Boston Hope Music consists of pre-recorded musical performances submitted by various artists, falling under one of the following categories that matches the music's intent: Energy, Engagement, Evening Calm. They are then linked together into 30-minute playlists, accessible through our website and on YouTube.

If you would like to submit a video as part of this project, here are the five steps we ask you to follow:   

Step 1:  Provide a short introduction.  Since we think the listener/patient will respond well to a more uniform structure, we suggest you open your video with some or most of the following information: 

  • Performers names

  • Organization or affiliations (e.g., A Far Cry, Boston Children’s Hospital, etc.)

  • Name of piece

  • Composer

  • Brief statement of why you selected the piece

  • Any ideas or thoughts you might want to share with the listener e.g., close your eyes, listen to the beautiful harmonies

Suggested draft below. 

"I am ____ from _____ / BHM.... I am honored to perform for you today.... During pandemic times, COVID-19 has been the illness that we have all responded to as musicians and healers. I hope that for whatever you are experiencing in your life that is challenging, this music can offer some hope and healing. (we could also add this from our original text--)Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my music with you today.  I will be performing Adagio in D Minor by Bach.  I have chosen this piece because I find that it helps me relax at the end of a difficult day.  I invite you to close your eyes and relax while you listen.”

Step 2:  Record your performance. 

  • Duration:  Performances should be no longer than 30 minutes in length.  Shorter videos will be curated together to create a 30 minute session

  • Close Caption:  Add close caption by pressing CC on the bottom of your YouTube screen.  This will be helpful for patients with hearing difficulties and also useful for a space like the convention center.  Please be sure to review the close captions and edit if necessary, in case your words were not correctly recorded.  In general, it’s helpful to speak slowly and loudly.  Try to make sure most of the action of your video is in the top 2/3 of the screen so the caption does not cover the video.  There is also an option to translate your close caption into other languages - simply go to the Gear (Settings) next to the CC icon on the YouTube screen and select the language.

Step 3:  Save your video on your YouTube site

  • Please include your name and the name of the piece in the file name e.g., Jennifer, Adagio in D Minor by Bach and mark the file as UNLISTED.

  • #BostonHopeMusic:  Consider adding this hashtag in the details of your post.  Using the hashtag will help spread the word about Boston Hope and what we are doing.

  • Posting on social media:  You may also post your recording on your personal social media accounts.  If you choose to do this, we ask that you provide the following introduction: “We are creating musical moments for the COVID-19 patients at Boston Hope hospital and want to share these “healing doses” of music with you as well”

  • VIDEO instructions for cell phone recording:

    • Please film horizontally.

    • Make sure that video settings are recording at 1080p at 30fps (this can usually be modified in your device settings, it's the default for iPhones)

    • If you are using an external mic, test your equipment before filming to make sure your sound doesn't spike or sound distorted.

    • Find a spot with nice lighting, keeping the light source in front of you so you are not in shadow.

    • Be aware of what is visible in your background. If you are using your phone, your background will be in focus, also. Please place yourself in the center of the shot.

    • Please feel free to introduce your music- how does this music make you feel and why did you choose it? 

 Step 4:  Submit your video by completing the google form (link below). 


Step 5:  Take a moment to breathe and acknowledge the joy that you have brought to someone in need!

Previously recorded videos:  You may submit a previously recorded video.  If you choose to do this, please:

  • Record a brief introduction in a separate video (per Step 1) that can accompany your recording.

  • Save the introduction along with your performance recording on your YouTube site

  • Submit both your introduction and your performance videos by completing the google form using the link provided in Step 4

Many thanks for your time and participation.  

 The Boston Hope Music Team