El Mesías – Handel’s Messiah in Spanish

Who: Chelsea Collaborative, Chelsea Local Gov’t, Chelsea High School, Chorus

What: A performance of Part I and Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah with lyrics sung in Spanish and popular Spanish-language holiday songs.

– Conducted by Ismael Sandoval (assistant conductor, Eureka Ensemble)

When: December 11, 2019

Why: Chelsea is one of the most diverse neighborhoods/cities by Boston, with a majority of the population being representing immigrants and refugees mostly from Latin American countries. Our partnership with Chelsea Collaborative has proven in the past how the arts can help to build community and in performing Handel’s Messiah, arguably the most performed work around the world, in Spanish for a Spanish-speaking audience, we hope to break a boundary in an immigrant/minority community that does not generally participate in the community at large due to issues of fear and trust.

Kristo Kondakçi

Music Director @kendallsquareorch | Refugee-turned-Conductor 🌍 | Affiliated: @BerkleeCollege | #MusicTransforms |📍Boston 🇺🇸


Through Struggle to the Stars